Proven Fertility Software
The Hormonal Forecaster has utilizes third generation algorithms and patent pending techniques to predict ovulation and depict fertility. It is the most powerful and versatile fertility software currently on the market. Users have been using it successfully for nearly a decade and it has earned numerous awards to prove it. Best of all, this functionality has all now been moved online at and into companion apps for phones and tablets.
The Hormonal Forecaster is now online!
The Hormonal Forecaster is now MyFertilityCharts. Since 2007, the Hormonal Forecaster has been available online at My Fertility Charts is now the recommended solution for Hormonal Forecaster users. It is cross platform and includes mobile device apps so you can access your fertility on your iPhone, iPad, Android phone, Android tablet, or Kindle fire. Just search for "My Fertility Charts" in the Apple, Google Play, or Amazon app stores. Sync up the app with your account so you can enter data on your device and still also view and print charts online.
How Can Software Help Your Fertility?
Fertility awareness can greatly improve your abilitiy to achieve pregnancy. Studies have shown that a majority of
couples can conceive 4-6 times faster simply by charting female fertility (Scarpa 2005). By identifying ovulation based upon
recorded symptoms, such as daily temperature readings, you can understand your fertility. This information can be used to
plan intercourse and achieve your goals.
The Hormonal Forecaster can derive fertility from one or more of several possible symptoms. These include simple cycle dates, daily body temperature, mucus observations, saliva patterns, and/or cervical state. It can be used as a basic fertility calendar or as a full fertility charting package to meet your evolving needs. You can even download it and get started right now!
The Hormonal Forecaster
The Hormonal Forecaster has been helping couples plan families for
more than 9 years. It is a freely downloadable software tool and calendar
that assists users in determining ovulation and fertility using natural
family planning techniques. Based upon recorded symptoms, the program
can generate ovulation charts, fertility predictions, and other statistical
information. By predicting ovulation, it allows you to take advantage
of your fertility to achieve pregnancy.
The software compliments proven techniques of natural family planning with patent pending technology to calculate ovulation and fertility. Fertility calculations are based upon techniques such as the symptothermal (sympto-thermal) method, the billings ovulation method, and more. You can record various desired symptoms such as menstruation, basal body temperature, cervical mucus observations, cervix position, and other custom indicators using a convenient calendar interface. This software calculator will use this data to generate ovulation charts and predict ovulation. You can interpret your ovulation charts yourself or have the program do it for you with its fertility meter. The software aims to interpret fertility in an educational context so that users can also learn how ovulation charts are interpreted. At the same time, the Hormonal Forecaster can be completely autonomous so that users not interested in the details need not get involved.
Enter data on the web or with your handheld device
and synchronize it back to your desktop software.
Meeting Your Fertility Needs
The Hormonal Forecaster is designed for users of all levels of expertise
and objectives. Its convenient calendar interface is ideal for users who
are new to natural family planning and ovulation charting. A special help
file introduces NFP basics while the program automatically calculates
your fertility based upon ovulation predictions using your recorded data.
For those already experienced with ovulation charting, the program offers
the convenience of electronic data entry without compromising your control.
Ovulation charts can easily be generated for your own review and interpretation.
Custom fields allow you to record ovulation predictor test results or
other relevant symptoms. Additional information can be recorded in daily
personal notes. You can even manually specify ovulation dates to override
the program’s calculations if desired. By providing customization and
maximum user control with reliable fertility and ovulation calculators,
it can meet a wide range of needs.
Whether you want to achieve pregnancy, the Hormonal Forecaster ovulation calculator can meet your needs. By pinpointing ovulation, fertility information can be used to time intercourse accordingly. Since not all users have the same requirements, the Hormonal Forecaster includes several techniques to predict ovulation. For users willing to track more symptoms for greater precision and control over their fertility, the program offers the full capabilities of natural family planning through the symptothermal method. At the same time, some individuals may be happier with a fair estimate of ovulation without the daily commitment of recording temperature readings and other symptoms. For these users, the Hormonal Forecaster also includes the less rigorous calendar method (rhythm method) to calculate ovulation and fertility. Fertility based upon either technique can be summarized in the program's 'Pregnancy Advisory' chart that allows you to graphically see which days you will be most fertile and therefore most likely to become pregnant. By including options, the Hormonal Forecaster can serve a variety of personal needs, even as they change.
Beyond Ovulation
What makes the Hormonal Forecaster stand out is its versatility. This
is even apparent in its fertility features. As described, you can let
the program do all of the calculations for you or utilize the fertility
charting feature to interpret your own ovulation charts. The Hormonal
Forecaster uses unique patent pending technology to shade fertility charts
to indicate fertility.
In addition to fertility, the Hormonal Forecaster also allows you to track personal moods, behaviors, or actions. You can generate statistics and chart up to twenty events such as what days you're prone to have headaches, be full of energy, experience menstrual cramps, or anything else you are interested in tracking. A personal six day forecast warns you of highly probable events while other graphs allow you to see how certain events are related to the days of the week, your menstrual cycle, and/or the lunar cycle. It can track everything from fatigue to sleeplessness to sexual desire. Many users find the statistical features to encourage them to stay up to date on their ovulation charting by making it more fun to use.
The best thing about the Hormonal Forecaster is how much power it gives you. Whether you are using its natural family planning fertility features as an ovulation calculator or its statistical features to track behaviors, virtually all program components are customizable to meet your specific needs. The Hormonal Forecaster has been widely used all over the world since the year 2000 and has been continually improved to more intimately meet women’s fertility needs. From specifying how many days to place under pregnancy advisory to selecting a preferred calendar background image, the Hormonal Forecaster is extremely flexible.
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